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Learning Changes
Peter Freeth
Learning Changes
Peter Freeth
You have been learning since before you were born, and you'll never stop learning. It's automatic, it's easy and it's what your brain does best. Whilst learning is a natural and automatic process, learning how to do a job is not. To perform in a particular job, we need a lot of knowledge that we don't know that we need. Traditional training and teaching focus on knowledge, and concepts such as 'accelerated learning' are simply attempts to increase the retention of that knowledge. What if knowledge, in itself, is irrelevant? Because, let's face it, you don't really want people just to know stuff. You want people to be able to do stuff. And for that, traditional training methods are ineffective. What if there was a way to structure learning so that learners do the right things, whether they're being watched or not? What if there was a way to structure learning so that it could be delivered easily, any time, any place, by anyone, faster and with immediate, observable, measurable results? Well, now there is.